about me
Hi there. I'm Caryn Rose, and I'm the editor-in-chief of Radio Nowhere.
I've been writing about Bruce Springsteen since 1980, when I came home from seeing him in Hartford on the River tour and wrote a review for my high school newspaper, The Westword (go Vikings!). I later wrote for Backstreets Magazine for over 20 years, and was a regular correspondent for brucespringsteen.net's show reports over the years.
I have written a lot of words on Bruce over the years, including this somewhat infamous piece:

I'm a full-time freelance writer. My clips are here.
I have also written several books (the most recent: WHY PATTI SMITH MATTERS, University of Texas Press 2022) and have contributed to many more (most recently HOW WOMEN MADE MUSIC: A REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY FROM NPR).
I also run a general music mailing list over at jukeboxgraduate.com, a domain I bought in 1999 when I had access to unlimited server space at my employer, an enormous multinational software company located just outside of Seattle, and decided to host a bunch of live shows from the Reunion tour so that everyone could hear them.
I'm a former New Yorker who currently lives in Detroit, MI, along with my cats Eli and Melvin. Melvin is named after both a dearly departed relative as well as the infamous Little Melvin and the Invaders.